Posted by: farawayj | May 1, 2009

Friday, May 1/09

Spring weight restrictions have been lifted on our road.  Why, you ask should we care about this?  It means the Logging trucks are back……….since Sam has been here, there have been none………so  I was not concerned about him chasing cars etc…………today however…….he thinks that would be fun to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Now the guys are pretty good around here…..they slow down going around the farm so they dont make too much dust before the calcium is put down……..and any new fellows who dont know this rule………find out really quickly….I stand in the middle of the road , make them stop, and I give them the information……….it doesnt take long for them to CB each other and tell them about the crazy lady with the horses.

Posted by: farawayj | April 30, 2009

Thursday, April 30/09

I went out to feed the horses last night around 10pm…check around make sure everything is cool.   I see a couple of winter mitts, a winter touque, and a scarf….WTF……….I come in the barn and the bunkhouse door is wide open…………Now I never do that, and Ed just readjusted the door jamb because of frost heave.  There are two cats squeezed up on the hat and scarf shelf…….one mystery solved……in their scramble up they must have sent stuff down and the pup took it all outside………..but how did the door get opened??  I was just going to leave that mystery till today……..I fed the horses, checked water and as I am coming back into the barn I see Sam jump up on the bunkhouse door and come down on the door handle………..DOOR OPENS………..YOU SON OF A BITCH DOG!!!!!!!!!!   I had Ed put on one of the handles you just have to push down as I cant turn the regular handles……….anyway, now that is solved………..I lock the door….                So this morning, both dogs on the porch waiting for breakfast and I look down the stairs and theres all this STUFF everywhere and gravel and dirt AND BULBS…………..YOU SON OF A BITCH DOG……….he dug up all the weed matting stuff from under the deck and then decided he would re arrange my flower beds!!!!!!!!   I’m going to kill Bear…….he buried the fn bones and I tried to find them yesterday………..if Sam had the bone he would be too busy to get INTO TROUBLE…………what a good puppy

Posted by: farawayj | April 29, 2009

Wednesday, April 29/09

Sometime during the night, Bear managed to wrangle Sams bone away…….probably while the kid was off sneaking after rabbits.  We all know how big this puppy is, but he does a stealth mode kindofa creep………head down, one front paw lifted ever so gently off the ground just motionless, hunches up his shoulders, head now out, almost like a cheetah…….its pretty cool for about 4 or 5 seconds……..then he’s off like a rocket……….cats are scurrying everywhere……2 of the cats have figured out his game though…..if they dont run, he just sits down beside them……….its the chase he wants………..hahahaha…….silly pup.

Posted by: farawayj | April 28, 2009

Tuesday, April 28/09

I woke up this morning to the wonderful soothing sounds of two huge hounds snarling and growling and ripping apart C4B’s good winter riding boot!!!!!!!!  I screamed at them out my bedroom window and went running downstairs in just my knickers.  But it was too late……the boot has had the biscuit……..dont tell Carol……..its a long way till next winter and maybe I can replace it by then…….I guess I didnt hide it well enough yesterday after I took it from them.

Anyway, good morning folks……..the pup is obviously just enjoying his life……..and encouraging the old dog to try new tricks.!!!!!!!

He is just so joyful, you cant help but laugh and smile when you see him bounding all over,    checking things out, chasing the cats, and rabbits he is always soooooo busy.  The second I come outside he is right beside me…….tagging along right at my heel,,,,,,,big tongue hanging out the side happy to be alive!!!!!!!     I really think Bear is quite content to lay around now instead of him always coming along with me to check for bad guys etc…….he does play with Sam for hours and hours and thats way more excercise than I ever gave him.  Its obvious when we go out for a walk over the hay field or up the mountain that Bear is coming, but not quite so fast as he used to……..he doesnt take near as many side trips to go sniffing something……he is more content just to stay on the path and let the kid go exploring.

Today we went shopping….Bay Lee had said Sam really enjoys those rawhide bones so we went to see what we could find.   Dinosaur Bones is what we came home with……….god they are heavy……..both dogs got one each…..Bear buried his immediately then thought he would just steal the pups’  hahahaha NOT!!!!!  Sam was not giving up his bone!!!!!dsci0020dsci0022dsci0023dsci00261dsci00271dsci0032

Posted by: farawayj | April 27, 2009

Monday, April 27/09

The sun is shining, its a beautiful morning, Sam and Bear are eating C4B-s boot and having a grand old time running in circles snarling and growling.       When Sam is carrying the big purple ball, Bear has figured out that thats the only time he is vulnerable and he can be knocked over and pinned…………I retreived the boot and exchanged it for the ball, all is again right with the world.

Yesterday the pup learned that the horses are not any of his business……..he is to go about his own concerns and just let people deal with bad manners or move them around the pen.  He will heel almost immediately, and comes scurrying when called or whistled…….he really is a great big loveable fellow.

Just came across 2 rabbit carcases…they have only just arrived overnight I’m sure…….hhmmm night hunting………..I dont think that is a good idea……I may have to lock them both back up in the barn again……….I would rather they not be hurt by coyotes or a bob cat.

I guess them sitting angelically on the porch waiting for me in the morning is a rouse……..they probably have alarms on their watches to let them know to head back home before I open the door…………good boys my ass.

Sam,Bear and I walked Buck up the top of the mountain behind us……..both dogs scurrying off and on the trail through the bush making lots of noises but coming right back when called.  Buck was great and the dogs were too……….was a good walk… bugs.

Posted by: farawayj | April 26, 2009

Sunday, April 26/09

Sam and Bear spent the night outside on the porch howling and barking at the coyotes.  The pup did not take off and go try to find his COUSINS……but hung around the fence line growling then back up to his post. He has been here a week now and he figures he is in charge…….well at least until Bear tells him otherwise.  Today we are taking him with us on a trail ride and see how that goes.  Before Sam came, Bear and Stripey the cat would come along….I’m pretty sure Stripes will be staying hidden,

The day did not go exactly to plan and no trail ride was accomplished.

The foot trimmer showed up around 4pm and we had a great time admiring everybodys feet as they are coming along remarkably well.

Posted by: farawayj | April 25, 2009

Saturday, April 25/09

I had to tie him up !…….around 10pm last night I went out to check on the horses as I had re arranged some fencing…..or I should the horses re arranged the fencing….anyway, could not find Sam……..Bear was on the porch, but I yelled and whistled for the pup a good 5 minutes.  I can YELL very loudly and sound carries here easily, so I started to get a little concerned…….going to put on my rubber boots and a coat to go hunting when I hear heavy panting and galloping from way over in the hay field……..he is coming hell bent for leather up the driveway crying and skulking and shaking with his tail between his legs.  I get down to check him all over, but its really hard to do when he is now bouncing and jumping all over me with kisses and turning in circles and upside down……i dont find any injuries…… I give him a real stern talking to and chain him up to the underside of the porch near  Bear and the food and water………..Little shithead could have been killed…….the COYOTES are over there!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: farawayj | April 24, 2009

Friday, April 24/09

I did not lock Sam in the barn last night, I left him the option of going in if he wanted.   When I got up, both him and Bear were laying on the front porch like GOOD BOYS!!! Sam so much wants to just hang around with Bear and be his best buddy.  He is very crunchy today……..if it warms up a bit, he will get a bath……….OMG…..the smell seems to mature like aging wine, now it has a distinct sort of vinegary hum to it………… not breathe in too deeply………

I had hoped that yesterday was about as filthy as he could get……but I was wrong!!! He seems to be following in everyone elses footsteps here at the farm………..there is nothing with four legs that does not love to be absolutely grotty……..sigh…..

Posted by: farawayj | April 23, 2009

Thursday,April 23/09

It’s one god awful morning out there. The wind must be gusting up around 75 and the rain is just clattering down………the noise on the steel barn roof is deafening…….but all is dry and safe inside.

Sam has driven the cats and the horses mad for two straight nights being locked in there with him…..and it does not stop his bouyancy when I show up either……….oh to be that in love with life again. hahaha.

Bear has decided he is not coming out of the house until the weather breaks, his hips are really bothering him today….I will have to remember to try to keep Sam from jumping on him.

OMG….I just caught a whiff of him……..christ……he is a sodding drowned rat     and obviously has rolled in the manure pile, there is hay sticking out of his collar where he was grinding it in………..wish I had SMELLYVISION so you could enjoy the aroma……..and he wont leave me alone……..arrrgghhhh

My dad phoned from Scotland this afternoon…..My mum died.   I’m done for today.


















Posted by: farawayj | April 22, 2009

Wednesday, April 22….Earth Day

Wet wild and windy this morning.  I had locked everybody up in the barn last night.  Bear, Sam. Abbey, Bailey, Bella, Buck, and as many of the cats as I could find as “Cindy” had said it was going to be a horrible evening.  After the now ritulaized morning greeting from Sam…..I throw him and Bear out so I can take a look at the cats and try to count 24 paws and 6 tails.  I’m retlatively sure Sam does not want to eat them, but he comes at them with such enthousiasm it scares the bejezus out of them.  Bear has never given them trouble……only Rocky the male BBD…..he likes to bark and corner them and roll Zig in the manure pile…………its not so bad….Zig seems to enjoy it…..hence all the matted hair on him.   Since Sunday afternoon I have not had a chance to closely inspect said cats as is the norm…..they generally all troupe into the bunkhouse in the mornings after horse feeding and before I start on my email etc…….and line up or just find a spot on me……Bob likes my right arm and faces my ear so he can clean me…..Stripey lays on my lap just in front of my computer, zig is wrapped around my neck with his head to my left ear……..Zag heads for the dog bed on the floor and the two girls prefer up on top of the glove/hat shelf where they can watch for intruders.

Sam is absolutely your A type personality……or if he was a horse… a left  brained extrovert………he has to be given a task or he will just run himself around in circles panting all day.   He will only eat if I tie him up to the bucket……then he takes a deep breath and inhales the whole thing at once…………..I’ve never seen anything quite like it!!!!!!1

Most of Sam’s day so far has consisted of trying to infiltrate the cat security compound I built for them upstairs.  I can hear everything that goes on from here in the bunkhouse… a well placed yell or two stops him in his tracks till he figures out I’m not actually WATCHING what he is doing……then it starts all over again……’s 12.30pm and he still has not touched his breakfast……he’s just too busy to eat!!!!!!

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